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Entrepreneurial log - month 15

There is now no looking back, no more doubts. I have clearly met my first important KPI of not going back to a job. I just made an offer to a candidate to join as a Senior Manager, officially the fourth member of the team (not including other collaborators not on my payroll).

I had a number of conversations this week about the business with friends and former colleagues - and these were the themes that stood out.

What’s my anchor?

Without an employer paying me a salary, I realise that my faith plays a bigger part in my life than ever before. It’s no longer an abstract belief but it’s a deep trust that the Universe can see the way ahead, where my eyes do not see.

My friends remarked that I’m now looking a lot more relaxed and stress-free - why is that?

When I think about it, there should be more reasons to worry than before. Instead, I sleep more soundly now, and feel at ease.

It is indeed due a deepening trust & experience of the Universe guiding me. It is foolish to doubt.

Pivot & double-down

Just two weeks ago, I had to make a difficult decision to discontinue a collaboration that seemed promising earlier, based on my intuition. Days after I made that decision, other opportunities that had moved along slowly before suddenly converted and became very important!

If I hadn’t made that pivot, I wouldn’t have the time for these new important opportunities. Our time and energy are extremely precious resources. It’s impossible to always make the best decisions, but altering course quickly when it’s clear that we need to, is key.

Surface area of luck

Early on in my journey, some advised me that I was stretching myself too thin. They were partially right, but I’m grateful I did that earlier. By trying to do many things at many places, I somehow discovered key collaborators, insights and opportunities that materialised over time.

Being open to conversations and people is important. That being said, I have simply expanded my comfort zone and didn’t exactly leave it. I don’t quite believe in the saying that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be comfortable, after all I am seeking for peace which is the greatest source of comfort.

What I do believe is that we should train ourselves gradually to be comfortable with more situations and people, within reason of course.

From a subject matter standpoint, expanding the domains of expertise in which we’re comfortable with is important.

This expansion gives luck/grace a greater opportunity to provide its blessings to us.

My trusted guides

Being the youngest in my family had its unique advantages. One of it was that I loved seeking the guidance of my siblings. That expanded to seeking guidance from various mentors and teachers of various domains throughout my journey so far.

And so it continues on in my entrepreneurial journey as well. It wouldn’t be where I am if not for my guides, and they have so much faith in me.

I do at times utilise paid mentors and business coaches, and should probably do so again soon.

What’s next?

I don’t know exactly, but I think I’m getting closer to the day I can take a holiday and let my team run the work! In 8 months maybe..or a year?


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