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Episode 5 - A timely & unexpected support

MakCik Kiah’s signature pisang goreng & ice cream dish never tasted sweeter.

Puteri & Ah Hock passed SOA exam LTAM, and Muthu IFoA exam CM2.

Puteri thought ”Business is good. But our exams are so costly”

Who’s that? Oh Datuk Lim, our businessman!

Datuk: “Hey you kids must be the Math MacGyvers! Tolong sikit?”

Puteri: “Sure Datuk”

Datuk: “Okay two things lah. First, I have various types of investments – in commodities, REITs, etc. I need to optimise my mix.

Second, my EPF. I’m already 60 now. I’d like to plan the monthly withdrawal amounts properly.”

No. 9 – Investment Portfolio Optimization

Muthu: “In Corporate Finance, we learn about the “Modern Portfolio Theory” and the “Efficient Frontier”. We can find the optimal combination of different assets given your risk appetite”

No. 10 – Planning EPF withdrawals safely

Puteri: “Using Life Contingencies, we can calculate the safe monthly withdrawal based on your life expectancy.”

Datuk: “Wow, you three must get your Fellowship. I will pay for all of your exams and materials.

Can help tutor my daughter Alice in Calculus ah hehe...”

Puteri: “Muthu is the best tutor. He did a Maths & Operations Research degree”

Muthu smiled shyly.


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