What is true, what is real,
What began ages long past,
What is indeed, a true reflection of the eternal,
What has no end, what has no cause,
That can never be late, that dictates its own course..
Ahh this illusion of separation, has never been more painful,
A small distance feels like light years,
A chasm that I cannot cross, a door I cannot open,
A penance I must pay, in preparation for what is meant to be,
A penance of surrender, a penance of patience…
The senses have lost their pull,
In sweetness I taste bitterness,
In bitterness I taste sweetness,
In joy I feel pangs of grief,
In grief I feel hints of joy,
Ahh free me forever, from this fear of duality,
And now I await, for the end of this separation,
We may wander, we may roam,
We may be separated by circumstances,
It may be tomorrow, it may be in a year,
It may be in this birth, it may be after many births,
The time will come, of that I am certain,
Never too early, never too late…