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Love & Agony

Love, just another name for agony?

Pain in separation, pain in yearning

All but for fleeting joy?

Why do we yearn so much, why can't we look away?

Ah my mind, have we not learned,

Dust we are, dust we become,

Why then, this yearning for an illusion?

Is there not a better way, an agony that leads to permanence?

Fickle indeed we are, misled by the masses,

Fleeting desires, fleeting joys..

Must we while away our fleeting time as such?

Is this the only way to be?

What is the meaning of all of this,

What is behind this feeling of love?

What is it that drives us so,

With hallucinatory thoughts and unreal hopes?

Is there something beyond all this,

Is there a cause for our love,

Is there a mystery to be solved,

Is there an answer when we knock?


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