Everything that we hear, see, feel, changes. We change jobs, our circle of friends change, our family changes, people that we love change.
The place we call home changes, we call different places “home” in different phases of life.
We get older and our tastes change, our bodies change, our minds change.
Sometimes the changes are to our liking, sometimes they aren’t and we keep on reminiscing about some “good ol’ times”.
But our soul yearns for permanence.
We seek for a “happily ever after” where we hope nothing troubles us further.
We fantasise about “eternal youth” so we can keep this ephemeral youth and beauty with us forever.
In our hearts we know these hopes are in vain, yet we cannot help ourselves but to dream.
Why? In permanence there is stability, there is peace, there is tranquility.
In permanence our hankerings subside, our desires cease to trouble us.
In permanence we feel a deep sense of strength and joy.
Where is this permanence? When we seek, we find that “we” are the same despite the changes amidst us.
“I” am the same. Not “I” in the sense of the impermanent body. Not “I” in the sense of the changing thoughts. Not “I” in the sense of the wealth, intelligence, fame and other little collections we gather in this life.
But “I” the observer remains the same.
What is this “I”? Who am “I”?
Who is this permanent “I” who projects this wish for permanence onto the impermanent world?
Who is this “I” that feels at home with stability, peace and tranquility?
Does it feel like home because it is a glimpse of the “I”, the true permanent home?
Let us seek for this permanence, not in this apparent world, but within. Let us seek to answer the mystery - who am I?
And let us knock till the door opens to reveal the answer.
It will not be in vain.