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Study with ease - go with the grain

A fundamental approach to carpentry is to cut wood with the grain. This ensures that the process of cutting wood is smooth and the wood is not spoiled.

This analogy is fully relevant in the process of studying. Studying forms connections and re-shapes our mind, and it should be a natural process, not a fight or a struggle. How do we go with the grain in studying?

  1. Study at the time of day when the mind is most alert

Studying is a complex process which requires a high amount of concentration. Naturally, we each have a different time of day when we are most alert (early birds vs night owls). There is no need to force ourselves to study when our minds are not inclined to, that is going against the grain.

2. Cultivate a serene and cheerful state of mind

It is difficult to concentrate on learning when our mind is full of tension, or anger, is depressed or overly elated. A daily practice of self-regulating our moods will place us in a better condition to study effectively. Mindfulness is one of the many approaches that can be used to cultivate this state of mind, and you will discover many methods of your own too when you are seriously seeking for it.

3. Employ different learning styles to engage various faculties of the mind

The commonly recognised learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic. Each of us may be more receptive to one style than others, but can benefit from employing multiple styles, rather than just a single one.

For example, when learning to derive a new math formula, you can watch and listen to an instructor derive it (visual & auditory) and then try it out on your own (kinaesthetic).

To memorise a list of key words, you can write it out multiple times, read it out aloud, record and listen to yourself saying it, and make a song out of it.

This will reinforce the learning very naturally.

4. Discuss with like-minded people

Discussion of concepts with friends, colleagues and fellow students can help you gain a deeper insight into the topics, but care must be taken to discuss with like-minded individuals. Discussing with individuals who are not in congruence with your own style of thinking, if done too early can impede your learning rather than help it.

When you have gained deeper mastery of the subject, then you will be prepared to discuss with people of various minds, as you are firmly established in it.

5. Choose a conducive and cheerful study location

Depending on your personal preference, pick a study location that helps your mind to concentrate the best. Often our own bedroom isn't the best location to study, as your mind may be tempted towards sleep looking at your bed.

Some may like a location that is totally quiet, and others may like to have a low level of noise to keep them alert. Some background music may help others.

Studying is a wonderful experience and allows us to understand the world better, further our career progress, and become better people. Let us cultivate it as a natural and easy habit.


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