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The Hermit Crab

Wave after wave crash on the shore,

Now I fear them no more,

Now and then my castle crumbles to dust,

Then I get to work and build another one..

Every night, they are generous,

They bring me sustenance, varieties of food,

Though wary I have to be, of the dangers lurking in them..

If unaware, everything ends with a snap!

When younger, I struggled much,

Fighting against the tide, swimming against the current,

Valiantly I would swim far beyond the shore,

Exploring, searching, oh yes I was proud,

But I found in my times of weakness,

The waves bring to me, what I could not find in struggle,

Oh my pride was shattered to pieces,

What else to do but to surrender to them,

In surrender I found strength,

My fear went away, what fear have I, the almighty waves support me!

A new type of pride swelled within,

A pride that encompasses all like me,

But now I find myself waiting for something else,

Something for which I have searched long in vain,

Something that shattered my pride, like no other search did..

Something which feels, like a missing part of me..

Oh dear waves, will you bring it to me?


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