Oh my, it boggles my mind...
I've made so much progress on this puzzle...
But there's this one crucial piece..
That is not in my hands..
Wait, you told me, wait till the piece comes to me,
Oh it wrings my heart so much, oh the pain it gives..
At times I can think of nothing else...
This piece is at the middle of it all...
It just doesn't feel right without it..
I hear you my dear, I hear your cries..
I know how long it has taken, all searching seemed in vain...
Look, see how nice the rest of the picture looks...
Much care and steady effort, you have put into it...
This piece is no ordinary piece..
Indeed it will open up a new part of this puzzle..
When the time is right it will find you..
That time indeed is not far away...
This piece is special indeed..
You had to realise how special it is...
You had to work on the rest of the puzzle..
For you to see, how much it means..
My dear only a grateful heart, and nothing less..
Can appreciate the right piece when it appears..
It takes time, much time to prepare yourself...
But the time taken, is of no loss to you..
Now the piece you waited for, the very special one you asked for...
In your hands it will be, have no doubt, no fear at all...
Take it, take it and rejoice..
Then set to work, with a smile on your face..
See how the rest fall in place..