A melodious tune comes to me,
One that has been in existence for all of time,
A tune so wondrous, a tune so soothing,
A tune that resonates with every fibre of my being…
Ah the words of the sages were true,
The dream of duality is ending,
Ah what is this, how wonderful..
How did I ever forget this?
Ahh the tune is faint, how do I hear more of it?
The tunes which I was fond of before,
Don’t satisfy me like they once did..
What is happening to me? Who can I share it with?
Like a magnet it attracts me to it,
Now there is no turning away,
I can’t hide it any longer,
If the world thinks me to be strange, strange indeed I am!
Ah my legs are now dancing to its rhythm,
A dance that brings much joy,
Silly I may look, what do I know of dance?
But dance I will, what do I care!