We celebrate and revere people who have achieved success, and this definition of success differs according to our own perspectives.
For a person seeking wealth, a very wealthy person is successful. When we seek knowledge, a wise person is successful.
When we are students, someone who has completed the path of study we are on is successful.
For a newly married couple, an elderly happy couple is successful.
For an elderly person dreaming of grandchildren, an elderly friend happily playing with grandchildren is successful.
In many measures (but likely not all), we are already successful based on ambitions we had 10 years ago.
Yet this ambition of success leads us on and on relentlessly. Success seems to be a mirage of endless mile stones, as soon as we reach one, we look forward to the next.
Why? Why are we on this endless chase?
What drives us on and on?
Perhaps, it is to unveil the potential that is already within us. Perhaps, it is to lead us on forward on this blissful journey of life…
When we see it as such, it is a blissful journey where we enjoy the sights and sounds on the way. We appreciate the fruits we eat along the way, some sweet, some bitter.
We see the testing phases as a part of the journey, and we keenly appreciate the blessings and guidance we get from others on the path.
The mythical “success” instead becomes a mile marker in our path, and we simply smile when we see one, knowing that the journey is far richer than just that marker.
Let us smell the roses and enjoy our journey.