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Why do I love to teach?

I've loved to teach (maths and actuarial maths in particular) since my student days. Time and again I've unhesitatingly jumped into teaching opportunities (most with low remuneration) even when I'm stretched in my day job. Why, why do I do this to myself?

I'm not alone with this trait - I have come across many others young and old who share this passion. I don't have to look far - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My dad has been a passionate maths teacher (more so than me) since his childhood days too. While he did earn his living through his teaching side gigs as well, he did teach for free too.

What motivates us to do this? A few moments come to me when I reflect...

The spark of connection/understanding/insight in the students eyes when they understand a point that is being taught..admittedly this is not possible in e-learning with the rare exception of some kind students who keep their cameras on..

The spontaneous insights that come in the flow of teaching connecting actuarial practice with the theory being taught...they are rather inexplicable as these are not necessarily insights I have had from before the class..

The deeper insights and new approaches that I get for actuarial work, derived from my teaching are also extremely precious. These are very valuable especially as I embark on my next step running my own consulting practice..the combined golden nuggets of insights from teaching have blessed me with with an ability to go into different niche areas with my own unique perspective.

I have also been blessed to see some of my students go on and pass exams and advance in their actuarial careers. It fills me with gratitude and joy to know I was able to play my small part in their journey.

Teaching motivates me to continuously learn, more so than anything else. Being accountable for another person's learning drives me to keep studying, re-learning and to expand my knowledge base.

Knowledge is divine, and it also seems to share the same property of air and water. If a room is kept shut without allowing the air to flow in and out the quality of air becomes very poor.

If the water in a lake is not allowed to flow out and be replaced by new in-flowing water, it gathers moss, becomes dirty and breeds mosquitoes.

Likewise with knowledge - as we keep it flowing, we keep ourselves fresh too.

I encourage all of you who share this passion to teach, please do it! You will not regret it surely.


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